On Friday, gold is cheaper by Re 1 per gram from the corresponding rates on the previous day. According to Goodreturns, therefore, one gram of 22-carat (K) gold is priced at ₹5239, eight gram at ₹41,912, while 10 gram and 100 gram come for ₹52,390 and ₹5,23,900, respectively.
Similarly, for 24K of the yellow metal, buyers must pay the following rates: ₹5715 (one gram), ₹45,720 (eight gram), ₹57,150 (10 gram) and ₹5,71,500 (100 gram).
City | 22K Gold price (per 10 gram) | 24K Gold price (per 10 gram) |
Ahmedabad | ₹52,440 | ₹57,200 |
Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai | ₹52,390 | ₹57,150 |
Chennai | ₹52,940 | ₹57,750 |
Delhi | ₹52,540 | ₹57,310 |
It must be noted, however, that the gold prices mentioned here are only indicative; these do not include taxes such as GST, TCS and other levies.
Silver prices
Silver, on the other hand, has the same daily rate as yesterday, the Goodreturns data shows. Customers must, therefore, pay ₹71.10 for one gram of the metal, ₹568.80 for eight gram, while 10 gram, 100 gram and 1 kilogram come for ₹711, ₹7110, and ₹71,100, respectively.
City | Silver price (per 10 gram) |
Ahmedabad, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai | ₹711 |
Bengaluru | ₹690 |
Chennai, Hyderabad | ₹735 |