Jay Kotak, the son of billionaire banker Uday Kotak, tied the knot with former Miss India Aditi Arya on Tuesday at the Jio Convention Centre in Mumbai. Additional festivities took place in Udaipur, reported MoneyControl.
Ambani_update, a fan page on Instagram shared glimpses of Mukesh Ambani and his wife Nita gracing the wedding.
In May, Jay confirmed her engagement with Aditi in an Instagram post. In a praise post, Kotak junior gave a shout-out to his fiancée for completing her MBA from Yale University.
“Aditi, my fiancée, completed her MBA from Yale University today. Immensely proud of you Aditi Arya,” he wrote.
Who is Jay Kotak?
• Jay Kotak, the son of banking tycoon Uday Kotak, currently co-heads Kotak 811, a fintech incubated within Kotak.
• Previously with McKinsey and Goldman Sachs, Jay joined Kotak Mahindra Bank’s consumer banking business in 2019.
• Later, Jay transitioned to lead the Kotak 811 team in 2021, overseeing strategy and product development.
• An MBA graduate from Harvard Business School, he holds a BA in History from Columbia University,
• Kotak Jr. completed his schooling at the Cathedral and John Connon School.
Who is Aditi Arya?
• Aditi, hailing from Gurugram, was crowned Femina Miss India in 2015 and represented India at Miss World 2015 in China.
• Aditi recently earned her MBA from the Yale School of Management, following undergraduate studies in Business Studies at Shaheed Sukhdev College, University of Delhi, prior to winning Miss India.
• Alongside her beauty pageant journey, Aditi worked as a research analyst at Ernst and Young.
• The 29-year-old actress propagates the significance of education on public platforms, as seen in her Instagram posts.
• Aditi made her Bollywood debut in the 2021 film “83,” a biographical sports drama based on India’s 1983 World Cup victory.